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Mental Health & Wellbeing Suite

IIRSM & CPD Approved

Mental Health & Wellbeing Suite
Developing A Workplace Mental Health Policy

Developing A Workplace Mental Health Policy

Developing A Workplace Mental Health Policy

20 minutes

This online Developing a Workplace Mental Health Policy course is aimed at employers and employees responsible for developing and following a workplace mental health policy and aimed at anyone responsible for risk assessment and health and safety in the workplace.

Introduction To Emotional Intelligence

Introduction To Emotional Intelligence

Introduction To Emotional Intelligence

50 minutes

This online Introduction to Emotional Intelligence e-Learning course will introduce the concept of emotional intelligence and look at how you can use it in effective and meaningful ways. The Introduction to Emotional Intelligence online course will examine the difference between emotional intelligence and IQ and dispel some of the myths surrounding emotional intelligence. The Introduction to Emotional Intelligence course contains a sections on the advantages and disadvantages of using emotional intelligence and considers the biological purpose for emotions and how best to manage them.

Stress Management

Stress Management

Stress Management

30 minutes

This Online Stress Management E-Learning course is aimed at all employees giving them an introduction to stress and why it’s a problem, some of the causes of stress and some ways to minimise the risk of stress.

ADHD Awareness

ADHD Awareness

ADHD Awareness

45 minutes

The ADHD Awareness E-Learning course covers the definitions of ADHD, the different types of ADHD and how to recognise some key signs and symptoms. Beyond this the ADHD Awareness online course will look at some of the possible causes of ADHD, how it is diagnosed and how it can be treated, including environmental changes, types of therapy and medication that can be prescribed. The online ADHD Awareness E-Learning course concludes with some advice for people living with or caring for those with ADHD and provides some practical advice for supporting children, teenagers and adults with the condition.

Supervising Mental Health At Work

Supervising Mental Health At Work

Supervising Mental Health At Work

25 minutes

This online Supervising Mental Health at Work E-Learning course is aimed at supervisors and line managers who are interested in getting a basic awareness of mental health at work and want to use this knowledge to create a positive mental health culture in their workplace.

Children And Young People's Mental Health

Children And Young People's Mental Health

Children And Young People's Mental Health

90 minutes

This online Children and Young People’s Mental Health E-Learning course will provide candidates with an awareness of the signs and symptoms of a wide range of conditions and better prepare them to listen to and support young people.

Mental Health Awareness

Mental Health Awareness

Mental Health Awareness

25 minutes

This Online Mental Health Awareness E-Learning course explains the difference between mental health and mental illness. The Mental Health Awareness course covers the symptoms of a number of the most common mental illnesses so you will know what to look out for or what to expect if you are working with someone with one of these conditions. As well as providing some practical advice on how you can work effectively with those affected by these conditions.

Autism Awareness

Autism Awareness

Autism Awareness

30 minutes

This online Autism Awareness E-Learning course will provide you with an understanding of what autism is and how it affects a child’s daily life. The Autism Awareness online course will touch on what factors contribute to a child developing autism and some of the typical behaviours associated with it and how you can provide effective support for those with the condition. The online Autism Awareness course also discusses what happens during the diagnosis process, some of the intervention methods that can help manage the condition and suggests some simple adaptations you can make to improve a child with autism’s day to day life.

Dementia Awareness

Dementia Awareness

Dementia Awareness

25 minutes

This Online Dementia Awareness E-Learning Course is intended to give you an overview of the common types and symptoms of dementia and how it can affect the brain in different ways. The Dementia Awareness E-Learning Course also covers strategies to use with clients with dementia and dealing with challenging behaviour.

Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid

90 minutes

This online Mental Health First Aid E-learning course introduces the subject and outlines the benefits of Mental Health first aid and workplace wellness schemes. The Mental Health First Aid online course covers the effects of stress on individuals and teams and discusses how stress and mental health are linked. The course then covers the roles of employers, managers and employees in ensuring that a Mental Health First Aid programme is successful.

Depression Awareness

Depression Awareness

Depression Awareness

45 minutes

This online Depression Awareness E-Learning course is aimed at people in the health and social care sector that would like to increase their awareness of Depression to improve the care they give. It is also written in a way that is accessible to people outside of health and social care and does not assume any prior knowledge of the condition.

Managing Occupational Health & Wellbeing

Managing Occupational Health & Wellbeing

Managing Occupational Health & Wellbeing

90 minutes

This Managing Occupational Health E-Learning course explains the key elements, procedures and activities involved in successful Occupational Health and Safety Management in the workplace.
The online Managing Occupational Health course show how professional Occupational Health and Safety Management benefits individuals and organisations. The online Managing Occupational Health course will investigate workplace health models, including the basic criteria of the World Health Organisation model.